Terms Of Use
This website („Website”) is operated by Sisa and Joósz Law Office (having registered office at 1114 Budapest, Bartók Béla út 15. A., IV. floor 23., Hungary; hereinafter referred to as „Law Office”). By opening the Website You as user („User”) accept the following terms of use:
1. The Law Offce has sole copyright over the texts, graphics and images on our Website. Any copy, publication or other use thereof require the prior written consent of the Law Office.
2. The information and documents on the Website are informative, and they may not be deemed as a legal or other professional advise in any case. Should you need advice relating to any particular matter, please contact our Law Office.
3. Our Website may include links to other websites. These other websites are operated by independent third parties, therefore the Law Office shall not be liable for the availability, content and use of these websites.
4. The information on the Website is continuously updated by the Law Office. However the Law Office shall not undertake any liability for the completeness, accuracy and timeliness of the information published on the Website. Furthermore the Law Office shall not have liability for any damages resulting from the use, download or unavailability of the Website.
5. The Law Office reserves its right to modify the content of the Website at any time.
6. These Terms of Use are governed by the Hungarian laws. The Hungarian courts have sole jurisdiction for any legal disputes relaing to the Website.
7. The detailed data of the Law Office are the following:
Name: | Sisa és Joósz Ügyvédi Iroda |
Company registration No.:
2893 |
Registration Authority:
Budapesti Ügyvédi Kamara |
Tax ID No.: | 18133693-2-41 |
Business Address:
1114 Budapest, Bartók Béla út 15. A., IV. floor 23. |
E-mail: | viktoria.joosz@sjlaw.hu |
Client no. of the Law Office: | 5599901376 |
Insurance Company: | Magyar Ügyvédek Kölcsönös Biztosító Egyesülete |
Web hosting service provider:
Név: Magyar Hosting Kft., Cím: 1132 Budapest, Victor Hugo utca 18-22. E-mail: info@mhosting.hu |